Deferment of this payment may cause an increase in the final payment on your loan. Certain loan types may be excluded and all extensions will be subject to credit union approval. By signing, you and any cosigner authorize the credit union to advance the due date on the loan(s) specified by one month. Interest will continue to accrue on the balance of the loan from the last payment date. Loans must be current to qualify. Limit of two (2) Skip-A-Payments per calendar year, per loan. Two (2) consecutive loan payments cannot be deferred. All other terms and conditions of the loan(s) will remain. Loans excluded from this offer are real estate, single pay loans, lines of credit, or credit cards. GAP insurance may not apply to the extended loan term. If paying a $34 fee through a transfer from a share or share draft account, funds must be available over any minimum balance requirement to cover the fee at the time this form is processed. The primary and all joint/co-signing members/owners must sign the request form to skip the loan(s). Subject to credit union terms and conditions, may be changed without prior notification.