As your financial institution, we want to make sure that you are equipped for success and know how to spot potential threats. ēCO continues to impart knowledge and skills to employees regarding digital security and safeguarding of your confidential financial information. In today’s digital age, it’s never been more important to be sure that your money is safe and secure.
Financial institutions are seeing an increase in imposter fraud scams. Residents in our communities and throughout the U.S., have been receiving calls and email solicitations from individuals claiming their cards have been compromised. The victim is asked to verify the card number and/or other personal information. This is used to commit identity theft. As a reminder, ēCO Credit Union will NEVER ask for personal information through phone or email communications.
Here are some tips to keep you and your money safe:
- Never share your username and password with anyone.
- Recognize pressure tactics – like creating a false sense of urgency.
- Do not respond to, or interact, with unsolicited messages that ask you to click a link or provide personal information.
- When in doubt, trust your gut. If it is too good to be true, it undoubtedly is.
While ēCO has implemented preventive measures for data security, we are most effective in fighting fraudulent activities when we work together. You should monitor your account regularly and check your statements. If you are ever unsure about a message you receive, we urge you to give us a call at 205.226.3900 to confirm it is legitimate.